Notice is hereby given to all those Members entitled to vote at any Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting as provided for in clause 21 of the Club’s Constitution, of a Special General Meeting to be held on Thursday 17th May 2018 at Meadowridge Association Football Club clubhouse, Faraday Way Meadowridge at 19h00 sharp. The Meeting is called for the purpose of voting on the resolution below in order to alter the Constitution of the Club to facilitate the Club registering as both a Non Profit and a Public Benefit Organisation.
In accordance with the provisions of clause 21, it is proposed that the Constitution of the Club be amended as follows:
A. Clause 2
A new clause 2.1A is inserted, which shall read as follows:
“to administer, develop, co-ordinate or promote the sport of football in a club where the participants take part on a non-professional basis as a pastime;”
B. Clause 3 is amended to read as follows:
3.1 The Club is an association of its Members and it is not established for the purposes of generating a profit or for the promotion of any Member or office bearer’s economic self-interest.
3.2 The Club has an identity and existence distinct from its Members or office-bearers and may sue or be sued in any competent Court of Law in its own name.
3.3 The Club shall have a continued existence notwithstanding changes in the composition of its membership or office-bearers.
C. Clause 5 is amended to read as follows:
5.1 The liability of Members shall be limited to the amount of their unpaid annual subscriptions and any other amounts that they may owe the Club from time to time, whether referred to in this constitution or not.
5.2 The Executive or Members of the Club shall not become liable for any of the obligations and liabilities of the organisation solely by virtue of their being members or office-bearers of the Club.
5.3 The Executive shall not be personally liable for any loss suffered by any person as a result of an act or omission which occurs in good faith while any member of the Executive is performing functions for or on behalf of the Club.
D. Clause 19
A new clause 19.7 is inserted, which shall read as follows:
“The Club’s assets, income and property are not distributable to its Members or office-bearers, except as reasonable compensation for services rendered.”
E. Clause 22
Clause 22.2 is amended to read as follows:
22.2 If, upon winding up of the Club, and after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, there remain any assets whatsoever, such assets shall be given or transferred to a non-profit company, society or association having objects similar to the Club nominated for this purpose by the Executive and approved by majority vote at the meeting described in 22.1 above.
No business other than that stated above will be introduced or discussed.
MAFC SGM notice 17052018