When completing your registration application is essential to ensure all documents are completed in full, in clear and legible writing. All registration application (junior and seniors) must be accompanied with 2 x identity photos. SAFA will not accept any photos with any background gardens, nursery pictures, different colour background etc.

The registration application form stipulates that 2 x Meadowridge, and 2 x SAFA forms must be submitted on registration. PLEASE NOTE, this has been changed and only one copy of the forms is required to be submitted on registration for existing, new and transfer members.

All members registration applications received November and December last year and whose registration fees were settled in full, have been successfully registered with SAFA.

Our association has two slot bookings with SAFA for registering our members which are scheduled on 3 February and again on 24 March. Therefore, it is essential that you make application timeously so that we can ensure that sufficient time is achieved to register with SAFA. Making application on the last minute would not guarantee your application to be submitted timeously as it takes approximately 4 days to prepare all the documentation in terms of SAFA process and rules.

All teams are capped to a maximum number of players that we can accommodate, and therefore your registration applications are accepted on first come in compliance in terms of conditions imposed.


In November we opened payment plans for parents wishing to make use of the facility in terms of a payment policy and 7 applications were received.


2025 Registration Document Downloads


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